March 4, 2007


Sunday is normally trans-continental phonecall day, and usually takes place either side of Greys Anatomy on Australian TV. Zoe starts her new job on Wednesday, and now that she actually has a proper job, she feels a lot happier about filling in the form. Not that a temp job would have disqualified us or anything...but it just looks better this way.

I also spoke to Nic this morning, who is an old friend from work in London and who emigrated to Melbourne last Novemember to be with her Aussie boyfriend. She always talked with an bit of an Aussie twang, but she's already getting (or should that be 'gedding') lazier with her pronounciation, especially the t's. But yeah, it makes me even more excited and less scared to know that there is a friend out there who works in the same industry and is in the same situation as me. We shall be drinking buddies again no doubt.

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